Publication Milestones
Chlorinated Compounds
1982:� Sequential anaerobic-aerobic biodegradation of chlorinated pesticide.
Fogel, S., R.L. Lancione and A.E. Sewall.� 1982.� "Enhanced Biodegradation of a Chlorinated Pesticide as a Result of Sequential Exposure to Anaerobic and Aerobic Conditions".� Applied Environ. Microbiol., 44: 113.
1986:����������� Biodegradation of TCE, DCE and VC by Methane-Oxidizing Bacteria. (co-metabolic)
Fogel, (Findlay) M.M., A. Taddeo and S. Fogel.� 1986.� "Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes by Methane-Utilizing Bacteria".� Appl. and Environ. Microbiol., 51: 720-724.
1987: In-Situ Treatment of TCE using Methane-oxidizing bacteria
Wilson, J.T., S. Fogel and P.N. Roberts.� 1987c.� "Biological Treatment of Trichloroethylene In Situ."� Proceedings:� Symposium on Groundwater Contamination, ASCE Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1987.
1995:� Sequential Anaerobic and Aerobic Treatment of PCE
Fogel, S.,R. Lewis, D. Groher and M. Findlay. 1995. "PCE Treatment in Saturated Soil Columns:"Methanogens in Sequence with Methanotrophs�, Third International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium: In R.E.Hinchee, A. Leeson, L.Semprini (Eds.), Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents 3(4) pp. 153-160. Battelle Press, Columbus OH
1995: A method for measuring In-situ potential for PCE Transformations
Findlay, M., A.C. Leonard, S. Fogel and W.H. Mitchell. 1995. " Laboratory Biodegradation to Define, Third International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium: In Situ Potential for PCE Transformation". In R.E. Hinchee, C. M. Vogel, F.J. Brockman (Eds.), Microbial Processes for Bioremediation, 3(8) 223-229. Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.
2000: Biodegradation of 1,1,1-TCA and Chloroethane in Groundwater
����������� Fogel, S., M. Findlay, S. Fam and T. Pirelli-Battelle
Sixth International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium:
Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.
2000: Reductive Dechlorination in High-Sulfate Groundwater
Findlay, M. and S. Fogel-Battelle, Third International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium:Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.
2000: Microcosm Test for Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents
Findlay, M. and S. Fogel. 2000.� Microcosm Test for Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents.� Soil Sediment & Groundwater. February/March. P.13-16.
2002: A Microcosm Method to assess the Microbial Community at Anaerobic Sites
Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio. (in press)
2002: Optimizing Reductive Dechlorination in a High Sulfate In Situ Bioremediation System
����������� ����������� Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio. (in press)
2003: Effect of Zero-Valent Iron on Methanogens and Sulfate-Reducers in Groundwater Microcosms.� Submitted to:� Seventh International In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation Symposium:Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio
Petroleum and Coal Tar
1995:� Findlay, M and S. Fogel, Lee Conway and Arthur Taddeo. 1995.� "Field Treatment of Coal Tar Contaminated Soil Based on Results of Laboratory Treatability Studies. " in Microbial Transformation and Degradation of Toxic Organic Chemicals, ed. by L. Young and C. Cerniglia, John Wiley & Sons, New York..
1997: Biodegradation of Benzo(a)pyrene (aerobic co-metabolism)
Kanaly, R., Bartha, R., Fogel, S. and M. Findlay.1997.Biodegradation of 14C benzo(a)pyrene added in crude oil to uncontaminated soil. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63: 4511-4515.
Findlay, M. and S. Fogel. 1997.� Fate of petroleum carbon during biodegradation.� Presented at the Fourth International In situ and On-site Brioremediation Symposium,� New Orleans, Apr 28, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.
Findlay, M. and S. Fogel. 1997.� Crude oil biodegradation:� Mass balance used to validate gravimetric and GC methods. ibid.
Fogel, S. and M. Findlay. 1997.� Comparison of methods for evaluating petroleum biodegradation in soil. ibid.
Fogel, S., M. Findlay, and G. Douglas. 1997.� Crude oil biodegradation:� TPH, Alkanes, PAH and Volatile Hydrocarbons. ibid.
Fogel, S., M. Findlay, and S. McMillen. 1998.� Incorporation of petroleum carbon into soil organic matter during biodegradation. �Bioremediation Journal 1(3):233-239.
Young, S.Michael, C. Mallet, D. Mauro and Sam Fogel. 2003. The Determination of Biodegradation Products of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Using LC/MS/MS. p.325 in ACS Symposium Series 850, Ed. I.Rerrer and E.M. Thurman. �Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, MS/MS and Time-of �Flight MS.